XI Encuentro Rioplatense de Álgebra y Geometría Algebraica
15th to 19th December 2003

versión en castellano
In honour of Professor Alfredo Jones
Centro de Matemática

Universidad de la República - Uruguay

Professor A. Jones  worked  for several decades, with dedication and the highest academic quality, at the Mathematics Department of the School  of Sciences. At the occasion of this celebration the Mathematics Department wants  to gather some  of his closest colleagues and  former students.


The Rio de la Plata meetings (ERP) began in 1996.  Alternating between  Montevideo (Uruguay) and Buenos Aires (Argentina) and  with the  participation of mathematicians from the Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina) and the Universidad de la República (Uruguay).  Later, mathematicians and students of other Universities e.g. the Universidad Nacional del Sur (Bahía Blanca), the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (FaMAF) and the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata also joined the meetings. 
The talks are generally about research in progress of the participants. Since 2000, there have been also two mini-courses for PhD students. 

The main subject of these meetings are:

·   Commutative and Non Commutative Algebra: Quantum Groups, Differential Operator Rings, Hopf Algebras, Lie Theory, Representations of Algebras, etc.;

·   Algebraic Geometry: Algebraic Varieties, Algebraic Groups, Toric Varieties, etc. 

Information about former editions of the meeting can be found in: http://mate.dm.uba.ar/~mfarinat/ERP

The XI  meeting will take place in Solís, Uruguay.



Scientific Committee
Local Committee
* Claude Cibils;       cibils@math.univ-montp2.fr
* Andrés Abella;       andres@cmat.edu.uy 
* Héctor Merklen;       merklen@ime.usp.br
* Walter Ferrer;       wrferrer@cmat.edu.uy 
*  Álvaro Rittatore;     alvaro@cmat.edu.uy
* Marcelo Lanzilotta;       marclan@cmat.edu.uy 
* Andrea Solotar;       asolotar@dm.uba.ar
* Ángel Pereyra;       angel@cmat.edu.uy 


·   The meeting will take place at the Alcion Hotel (Solís, Uruguay). For a description of the hotel click here.
·   Address: Av. Barreira y Rambla.  Maldonado Balneario Solís, Km. 80.  Maldonado. Phone number: (00 598)(043) 80017;Fax: (043)80027.
·   The Alción Hotel, 80 kilometers away from Montevideo, on the Solís Resort Beach, is a calm and beautiful place.Sea and hill landscapes combine to make this area one of the most attractive of our country. 
·   The prize of the hotel is about 20 US dollars per person.

A sketch of the hotel area:


Warning: The temperatures in Uruguay during these days, as well as the UV radiation, could be very high. We ask you to take the needed precautions, as the use of sun protection products and glasses. For metheorologic predictions, check here.

In case of an unexpected incovenient, the participants may call Centro de Matemática, Facultad de Ciencias, tel (598) (2) 5252522. If the participant has to spend an extra night in Montevideo, a possibility other participants are using is Hotel Cala di Volpe, tel. (598) (2) 7102000, that garantees --paid-- transportation to and from the airport.


From the Carrasco Airport. ·
By taxi:  Ask for a taxi inside the building. TAXI Carrasco International Airport.  Booking: (598 2) 6040323; taxiaeropuerto@yahoo.com. The hotel is 115 miles far from the airport. The price of the taxi will be of approximately 40 US dollars. 
By bus: Go to the Agency of AUTOBUSES ATLANTICO and take a bus with destination "Piriápolis" (frequency: one per hour). Take off in BALNEARIO SOLIS (approximately 20 kilometers before Piriápolis).
From Montevideo. ·
By bus:  From Tres Cruces Bus Terminal, take AUTOBUSES ATLANTICO with destination "Piriápolis" (there are frequencies every 1 hour). Take off in BALNEARIO SOLIS  (appoximately 20 kilometers before Piriápolis). 
We have a mini-bus service to transport people from Montevideo, from the seaport and from the airport to the hotel:


·Centro de Matemática (Faculty of Sciences)-Instituto de Matemática y Estadística Rafael Laguardia (Faculty of Engineering).
· PICS CNRS 1514 de colaboración científica Francia - Cono Sur.
· Embajada de Francia en Uruguay, Ministère des Affaires Etrangères.
·French Regional Cooperation in Santiago de Chile. 
· Agencia Nacional de Promición Científica y Tecnológica (Argentina)
·Comisión Sectorial de Investigación Científica - Uruguay.
· Universidad de la República - Uruguay, (programa 720). 
·Instituto de Matemática e Estatística - Brasil
·Institut de Mathématiques et Modélisation de Montpellier, UMR - Francia





Lunes 15
Martes 16 Miércoles 17 Jueves 18 Viernes 19
09:00 10:00
J. Carlson
The classification of endotrivial modules 
(first talk)
M. Karoubi
Hermitian K-theory
(first talk)
J. Carlson
The classification of endotrivial modules
(second talk)
M. Karoubi
Hermitian K-theory
(second talk)
9:00 - 9:45

G. Chalom
Bases de Grobner em álgebras extendidas por laços 

10:15 11:00
G. González-Sprinberg
Transformaciones de Nash
N. Andruskiewitsch
Categorías tensoriales
M. Aguiar
The smash product of non-commutative symmetric functions
I. Assem
Subcategorías abelianas cerradas bajo predecesores
10:00 - 10:45

F. Polcino
Central units in group rings

11:30 12:15
H. Merklen
Irreducible morphisms in subcategories
M. I. Platzeck
Extensiones triviales isomorfas y problemas de clasificación de álgebras de artin.
M. F. Vigneras
A Langlands triangle module $p$


S. Trepode
Tipo de representación de álgunas álgebras y la forma de Tits
11:15 - 12:00

S. Natale
Hopf algebras and exact factorizations of finite groups

14:00 15:00
R. Bautista
La categoría de morfismos entre módulos proyectivos y funtores de reducción 
(primera exposición)
R. Bautista
La categoría de morfismos entre módulos proyectivos y funtores dereducción 
(segunda exposición)
14:15 - 15:00

A. Arabia
Cohomology of Monsky-Washnitzer algebras groups of automorphisms

14:00 - 14:45

R. Zuazua
Dualidad de Auslander-Reiten para categorías abelianas

15:15 16:00
E. Marcos
Álgebras estratificadas de forma estándar y álgebras  con ideales idempotentes
W. Cortiñas
De Rham-Leray spectral sequence for noncommutative de Rham cohomology
A. Dickenstein
El teorema de Bézout para funciones hipergeométricas bivariadas
15:00 - 15:45

M. J. Souto
Una caracterización de los objetos tilting en t-categorías

16:15 16:45
B. Abadie
Equivalencia Morita de productos cruzados por C*-bimodulos de Hilbert
F. Abadie 
Dualidad de Takai para acciones parciales
17:00 17:30
C. Tosar 
Álgebras shod string
M. Suarez-Alvarez
The Hilton-Eckmann argument for cup-products
17:30 18:00
J. Levesque
Stably hereditary algebras, pullbacks and tilting modules
 18:00 - 20:00
Homenaje a A. Jones
  •  R. Bautista
  •  J. Carlson
  •  W. Ferrer
  •  F. Polcino
  • H. Merklen
  • Free
    J. Lauret
    On the classification of Lie algebras



    The hotel is connected to the web, in a connection that is not fast. The cost is less than 2 dollars an hour. At Piriapolis --10 km from the hotel-- there are two
    or three places that sell faster connections. They are open until 23.30 and the cost is about one dollar the hour. The connection speed is also faster than at the hotel.