Introduction to partially hyperbolic dynamics, (with S. Crovisier). Lecture notes for a minicourse in School and Conference in Dynamical Systems (ICTP, Trieste, July 2015).  VIDEOS

Introduction to non-uniform and partial hyperbolicity, Lecture notes for a minicourse (joint with M. C. Arnaud) in CIMPA "Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Dynamics" (Salto, March 2015).  Available in PreMat  2015/179. To appear in Publicaciones Matematicas del Uruguay (a number in honor of R. Mañe).

 Entropía y Topologia: Lecture notes for a minicourse (joint with M. Shub) in Montevideo, March-April 2014 (In spanish).

Classification of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in 3-dimensional manifolds. Lecture notes for a minicourse in "A week of dynamical systems at UFRJ" (Rio de Janeiro, January 2013)




``Homogeneous dynamics and Gibbs-u-states'' Homogeneous Dynamics and Geometry in Higher rank Lie groups ( IHES , Bures-Sur-Ivette, June 2023).

``Attractors for derived from Anosov diffeomorphisms'' International conference on Dynamical Systems Celebrating the 60th aniversary of Marcelo Viana (October 2022).

``Collapsed Anosov flows'' VI Escola Brasilera Sistemas Dinaámicos (October 2021). VIDEO OF THE MINICOURSE.

``Foliation preserving homeomorphisms'' Resistencia Dinámica (May 2020). VIDEO OF THE TALK.

``Partial hyperbolicty and foliations in 3-manifolds'' Cuernavaca's Friends 20 years (January 2017). VIDEO OF THE TALK.

"Partial hyperbolicity and foliations in 3-manifolds" IV EBSD Campinas (October 2016).

"Dynamics in the study of discrete subgroups of Lie groups" V CLAM, Barranquilla (July 2016).

"Entropy rigidity for surface group representations" International Conference on Dynamical Systems, Buzios (July 2016)

"Anosov representations and dominated splittings" Workshop on Geometry and Groups in Montevideo. (April 2016)

"The classification problem for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms" Third Palis Balzan Symposium on Dynamical Systems, IHP (Paris June 2015)

"Discrete subgroups of Lie Groups" (In spanish) Seminario de Sistemas Dinamicos de Montevideo (Uruguay,  April 2015).

"Partially hyperbolic examples in dimension 3" 3era Escola Brasileira de Sistemas Dinámicos, Bento Goncalves (Porto Alegre, October 2014)

"Rigidity of eigenvalues for Hitchin representations" (in spanish)  Seminario de Sistemas Dinamicos de Montevideo (Uruguay,  October 2014).

"Geometry of the strong foliations in partially hyperbolic attractors" International Conference in Dynamical Systems IMPA (Rio November 2013) VIDEO OF THE TALK.

"Cocycles of diffeomorphisms over a hyperbolic basis" University of Chicago Dynamical Systems Seminar(November 2013)

"Global stability for partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms isotopic to Anosov" Northwestern UniversityDynamical Systems Seminar (Evanston, November 2013)

"Partial hyperbolicity and foliations in certain 3-manifolds" SUNY Binghampton Geometry and Topology Seminar (October 2013)

"The geometry of partially hyperbolic attractors" 2nd Palis-Balzan Symposium (IHP, Paris June 2013)

Slides for the (joint with Andy Hammerlindl) minicourse "Classification of partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms in certain 3-manifolds" in the conference Beyond Uniform Hyperbolicity (Bedlewo, Poland May 2013). See alsoAndy's page

Lecture 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

"On the work of Jorge Lewowicz on expansive homeomorphisms" Montevideo Conference in Dynamical Systems (August 2012).

"Robust dynamical properties and geometric structures in
dimension 3"
 IV CLAM, Cordoba (August 2012).

"Partial hyperbolicity and attracting regions in 3-dimensional manifolds" PhD defense (July 2012)

"Partial hyperbolicity and leaf conjugacy in nilmanifolds" Palis-Balzan conference (June 2012) VIDEO OF THE TALK

 "Partial hyperbolicty and leaf conjugacy in small 3-manifolds" ICTP-Trieste (June 2012).

“Partially hyperbolic diffeomorphisms of T^3” Pucon Chile Conferencia en honor a Rodrigo Bamon (Noviembre 2011).

 “Partial hyperbolicity and foliations” EDAI (Noviembre 2011)

Codimension one generic homoclinic clases with interior” Poster presented in the 1st seminaire MathAMSUD in Lima, Peru (November 2008).

"Local and global aspects of almost global stability"  For the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, San Diego (2006).