Geometric Flows and Relativity

Summer School and Workshop



Welcome to the workshop "Geometric Flows and Relativity!" We are happy to host this special international meeting. You can find all the necessary information on this page.

Geometric analysis is a very active and exciting area in pure mathematics today and geometric flows in particular have proved to be a powerful tool in the analysis of a large number of important problems in differential geometry, image processing and mathematical physics, leading to a profound impact on each of these fields. They also arise very naturally in various physical contexts such as thermomechanics, annealing metals, crystal growth, flame propagation, wearing processes and conformal field theory and are therefore of interest to a diverse group of scientists outside of the pure mathematical fields, including applied mathematicians, materials scientists, and theoretical physicists. For all these reasons, the area has gained a large international interest to the extent that by now a large network of specialists are present all over the world.

Confirmed speakers:

Sebastien Alvarez (UdelaR)
Notes of the presentation!
Lucas Ambrozio (IMPA)
Notes of the presentation!
Zhongshan An (University of Michigan)
Nathan Burns (University of Tennessee, Knoxville)
Rayssa Cajú (Pontífica Universidad Católica de Chile)
José Espinar (Universidad de Granada)
Pedro Gaspar (Pontífica Universidad Católica de Chile)
Notes of the presentation!
Marcus Khuri (State University of New York at Stony Brook)
Notes of the presentation!
Brett Kotschwar (Arizona State University)
Notes of the presentation!
Marcos Petrúcio Cavalcante (Universidade Federal de Alagoas)
Leandro del Pezzo (UdelaR)
Notes of the presentation!
Mariel Sáez (Pontífica Universidad Católica de Chile)
Notes of the presentation!
Julian Scheuer (Goethe Universität Frankfurt)
Notes of the presentation!
Francisco Vanderson Moreira De Lima (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul)
Notes of the presentation!

Titles and Abstracts PDF, (will be permanently updated)

Schedule (tentative):

Mo 18 Tue 19 Wed 20
9:30-10:15 Saez Scheuer Cavalcante
10:30-11:15 Alvarez Kotschwar Del Pezzo
11:30-12:15 Lima Gaspar Cajú
12:15-14:15 Lunch Lunch Lunch
14:15-15:00 An Burns Ambrozio
15:15-15:45 Break Excursion Break
15:45-16:30 Khuri Excursion Espinar

There will be food and refreshments in between talks and during the break.


Registration helps to organize the meeting better. We kindly ask you to register below (even if you have already confirmed your participation by email).

Note that the registration for the summer school and the workshop are separate

The event is funded by the NSF
The event is supported by the University of Tennessee, Knoxville
The event is supported by CSIC (Group's Program) and CMat-FCien.
vista vista vista


Theodora Bourni (University of Tennessee Knoxville)
Martín Reiris (Universidad de la República)

Venue of the workshop:

Conference's room of the Jean Clevers Hotel, Punta del Este (

aulario LectureHall

MAP place

Useful information (PDF coming soon)

Download here a PDF with further information about Punta del Este: places to visit, transportation, restaurants, prices, safety, etc.
