The invariance of Hochschild and cyclic homology under row extensions
Dia | 2018-10-08 13:30:00-03:00 |
Hora | 2018-10-08 13:30:00-03:00 |
Lugar | Salón de seminarios del piso 14, CMAT |
The invariance of Hochschild and cyclic homology under row extensions
Piotr Hajac (Instituto de Matemática de la Academia Polaca de Ciencias)
Goodwillie’s theorem states that the periodic cyclic homology is invariant under nilpotent extensions. We introduce a special type of nilpotent extensions of unital algebras (called row extensions) for which we prove a stronger result: the invariance of Hochschild and cyclic homology. The row extensions appear in abundance. They are always H-unital but generically non-unital and noncommutative. A very specific type of a row extension appears naturally in the construction of the Chern-Galois character. If P is an algebra with a principal coaction, and B is its coaction-invariant subalgebra, then the Chern-Galois character factors through the row extension of B by the nilpotent ideal consisting of the invariant universal differential one-forms on P. When P is a principal comodule algebra, one can identify this ideal with the kernel of the multiplication map restricted to the algebra of the associated Ehresmann-Schauenburg quantum groupoid. Based on joint work with Tomasz Maszczyk.