1. Sur les transformations de Cremona de bidegré (3,3), l'Enseig. Math. v.43, n.3-4 (1997), pp. 285-297.
2. Une remarque sur la génération du groupe de Cremona, Bol. Soc. Bras. Mat., v.30 (1999), n.1, pp. 95-98.
3. Les applications rationnelles déterminantielles de degré n, Acad. Bras. Ciê., v.71, n.3 (1999), pp. 311-319.
4. Sur le multidegré des transformations de Cremona, Comp. Rend. Acad. Sci., v.330 (2000), pp. 297-300.
5. (with F. Ronga and T. Vust) Transformations birationnelles quadratiques de l'espace projective complexe, Ann. Inst. Fourier, v.51,n.5 (2001), pp. 1153-1187. (pdf)
6. (with M. Sebastiani) Sur les équations différentielles algébriques admettant des solutions avec une singularité essentielle, Ann. Inst. Fourier, v.51,(2001) pp. 1621-1633. (pdf)
7. Sur les transformations de Cremona Stellaires, Proc. Ame. Math. Soc., n.129 (2001), pp. 1257-1262.
8. Quelques remarques sur les d-webs et un problème proposé par D. Cerveau, Bol. Asoc. Venezolana. Mat., v.10, n.1 (2003) pp.21-33.(pdf)
9. (with G.Gonzalez-Sprinberg) On Monomial Birational Maps, An. Acad. Bras. Ciên., v.75, n.2 (2003), pp.129-134.(pdf)
10. (with M. Sebastiani) Classification des feuilletages turbulants, Ann. Sci. Fac. Toulouse, Vol. XI, n.3 (2003), pp.395-413.(pdf)
11. (with F. Russo) Cremona transformations and special double structures, Manuscripta Mathematica, Vol. 177 (2005) pp.475-512.
12. Sur le premier degré dynamique des transformations de Cremona du plan qui stabilisent une courbe irrationnelle non-elliptique, C.R.Acad.Sci., Ser.I 341 (2005), pp. 439-443. (pdf)
13. (with G. Gonzalez-Sprinberg) On Characteristic Classes of Determinantal Cremona Transformations, Mathematische Annalen 335 (2006), pp. 479-487. ()
14. (with O. Calvo-Andrade and L. Gustavo Mendes) Foliations with radial Kupka set and pencils of Calabi-Yau hypersurfaces, Compositio Mathematica, 142 (2006) pp. 1587-1593. (pdf)
15. Sur le sous-groupe de décomposition d'une courbe irrationnelle dans le groupe de Cremona du plan, Michigan Math. J. 55,(2007), pp. 285-298. (pdf)
16.(with J. Blanc and T. Vust) Sur un théorème de Castelnuovo, Bol. Soc. Mat. Bras. v. 39, (2008) pp. 61-80. (pdf)
17. On birational properties of smooth codimension two determinantal varieties, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, 237, 1, (2008) pp. 137-150. (pdf)
18. (with Dan Avritzer and G. Gonzalez-Sprinberg) On Cremona Transformations and Quadratic Complex, Rend. Circolo Mat. di Palermo, 57, (2008) pp. 353-375. (pdf)
19. (with J.Blanc and Thierry Vust) On birational transformations of paires in the complex plane, Geometria Dedicata, 139, (2009) pp. 57-73. (pdf)
20. On the untwisting of general de Jonquières and cubo-cubic Cremona transformations of $\P^3$, Contributions to Algebra and Geometry, vol. 52, (2011) pp 1-21. (pdf)
21. (with D. Avritzer y G.Gonzalez-Sprinberg), On singular quadratic complexes, quintic curves and Cremona transformations, Rend. Circolo Mat. di Palermo, Vol. 61, (2012) 2, pp. 201-240. (pdf)
22. On Cremona transformations of $\P^3$ which factorize in a minimal form, Rev. Unión Mat. Angentina, Vol. 54 (2013), No. 2, pp. 37-58. (pdf)
23.(with R. Baltazar) On solutions for derivations of a Noetherian k-algebra and local simplicity, Comm. in Algebra, v.43 (2015),7, p.:2739-2747. (pdf)
24.(with G.Gonzalez-Sprinberg) On smooth separatrices of foliations on singular surfaces, Bull Braz. Math. Soc., 46(1) (2015), pp. 1-21. (pdf)
25. (with A. Simis) Cremona Maps of de Jopnquieres Type, Canad. J. Math. 67 (2015), pp. 923-941. (pdf)
26. (with L. G. Mendes) On plane polynomial automorphisms commuting with simple derivations, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, v. 221, 4 , (2017) pp. 875-882.(pdf)
27. (with D. Dantas) Cremona transformations of P4 coming from complete intersection of quadrics, Geometriae Dedicata, v. 193, 1 , (2018) pp. 73 - 88.
28. (with G. Cousin and L. G. Mendes) Birational geometry of foliations associated to simple derivations and generalizations, Bull. Soc. math. France, v. 1474 , p. 607-638, (2019) (pdf)
29. (with L. G. Mendes) Corrigendum on Plane Polynomial Automorphisms Commuting with simple derivations, to appear in Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, (pdf)
30. (with R. Baltazar) On the Automorphism Group of a polynomial differential ring in two variables, to appear in Journal of Algebra, (pdf)