Cremona's table of elliptic curves

Conductor 58619

58619 = 11 · 732

Isogeny classes of curves of conductor 58619 [newforms of level 58619]

Class r Atkin-Lehner Eigenvalues
58619a (1 curve) 1 11+ 73+  0  1  0 -3 11+ -3 -3  2
58619b (3 curves) 1 11+ 73+ -2 -1 -1  2 11+ -4  2  0
58619c (1 curve) 0 11- 73+  0  1  0  3 11-  3  3  2

Data from Elliptic Curve Data by J. E. Cremona.
Design inspired by The Modular Forms Explorer by William Stein.

Part of Computational Number Theory
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