Cremona's table of elliptic curves

Curve 46475a3

46475 = 52 · 11 · 132

Data for elliptic curve 46475a3

Field Data Notes
Atkin-Lehner 5+ 11+ 13+ Signs for the Atkin-Lehner involutions
Class 46475a Isogeny class
Conductor 46475 Conductor
∏ cp 2 Product of Tamagawa factors cp
Δ -829607796875 = -1 · 56 · 11 · 136 Discriminant
Eigenvalues -2  1 5+ -2 11+ 13+  2  0 Hecke eigenvalues for primes up to 20
Equation [0,1,1,-33040908,-73112478656] [a1,a2,a3,a4,a6]
Generators [1661668577636513308587752062:-2087109064705146492359893691335:1053264473215697103256] Generators of the group modulo torsion
j -52893159101157376/11 j-invariant
L 2.7693997280307 L(r)(E,1)/r!
Ω 0.031485207838894 Real period
R 43.979378224235 Regulator
r 1 Rank of the group of rational points
S 1 (Analytic) order of Ш
t 1 Number of elements in the torsion subgroup
Twists 1859a3 275b3 Quadratic twists by: 5 13

Data from Elliptic Curve Data by J. E. Cremona.
Design inspired by The Modular Forms Explorer by William Stein.

Part of Computational Number Theory
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