Cremona's table of elliptic curves

Curve 63536u3

63536 = 24 · 11 · 192

Data for elliptic curve 63536u3

Field Data Notes
Atkin-Lehner 2- 11+ 19- Signs for the Atkin-Lehner involutions
Class 63536u Isogeny class
Conductor 63536 Conductor
∏ cp 2 Product of Tamagawa factors cp
Δ -2119699214336 = -1 · 212 · 11 · 196 Discriminant
Eigenvalues 2- -1  1  2 11+ -4 -2 19- Hecke eigenvalues for primes up to 20
Equation [0,-1,0,-45170245,-116834424211] [a1,a2,a3,a4,a6]
Generators [229114275106860463812806024401919263127363101285086228060:14727847518998152253971788403371677591914704993360122040547:23159552954706986397965907767018650263062314525402125] Generators of the group modulo torsion
j -52893159101157376/11 j-invariant
L 5.0646582776886 L(r)(E,1)/r!
Ω 0.029117658397664 Real period
R 86.968845648917 Regulator
r 1 Rank of the group of rational points
S 1 (Analytic) order of Ш
t 1 Number of elements in the torsion subgroup
Twists 3971b3 176b3 Quadratic twists by: -4 -19

Data from Elliptic Curve Data by J. E. Cremona.
Design inspired by The Modular Forms Explorer by William Stein.

Part of Computational Number Theory
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