Traces of Stark-Heegner points for elliptic curves of prime conductor and rank 1

These files are the result of computing traces of Stark-Heegner points using a variation of the magma package shp (by Henri Darmon and Robert Pollack, available online). For each elliptic curve listed above, the Stark-Heegner points were computed with precision of 20 significant p-adic digits, for fundamental discriminants up to 10000.

The discriminants are sorted by congruence classes modulo p. Each line contains a triple

    [* D, m, P *]
where D is the discriminant and P = m P0 the trace of the Stark-Heegner point, with a fixed generator P0 of E(Q). The choices in the calculation are made consistently, so that the values of m are coefficients of a modular form of weight 3/2 and level 4p2.

See Stark-Heegner points and the Shimura correspondence, by H. Darmon and G. Tornaria (in preparation, 2007)


Please reference this data as
Henri Darmon and Gonzalo Tornaría, Traces of Stark-Heegner points for elliptic curves of prime conductor and rank 1,, 2007.